Many years ago I lived alone.
And I liked to light candles.
I had no experience at that time.
Often, in the evening, I lit a new candle.
I just liked the lively light.
Every time I had to clean my candlestick.
And sometimes a puddle of paraffin tends to stain everything around.
It seemed that it should be.
I have not searched for anything yet ...
While in the Church shop did not appear - it is!
It was a wax candle.
Attention attracted price.
The price was higher than the candles I was used to.
The candle itself was unsophisticated, almost black and thick.
I asked: - What is it, and why is this, not a beautiful candle,
such a price?
I was told: - She is made of wax.
I asked: - Those candles that I bought, from what?
They said: - Also wax.
I was confused.
He asked: - From what is such a price, and she is not beautiful.
I was surprised.
And I responded shrug.
I still bought a candle.
She smelled like honey.
In childhood, a friend, his father kept several hives.
I attended the pumping of honey from honeycombs.
And he knew how honey and wax smell.
In the evening, as always, lit this candle.
And the room pretended, aroma from childhood and something new appeared.
It was nice.
There were some cases and I was distracted from the burning candle, although I always watched.
When I returned to see, the candle that was burning was gone.
I looked at the floor - nowhere.
There was both surprise and delight at the same time.
The room had the pleasant smell of a burnt candle.
The difference between paraffin and wax candles was huge.
It was a turning point.
From this evening, I only burned beeswax candles.
Many years passed, I met people who made candles from beeswax.
I learned a lot from them, and then began to make candles myself.
Much modernized and transformed.
And amassed a huge experience.
Now my candles have the perfect look, the perfect wax.
Now I can make such candles that I could not even dream of.
Then, in those years, I didn’t even guess how perfect candles could be.
Now I can make people happy with beautiful candles.

Such is the story
Copyright © 2015 - 2024 by Oleg Candle     All rights reserved    Made in Russia / Bashkortostan / Ufa